Noelle Roni Gebre-Mariam

editedNoelle Roni Gebre-Mariam

Noelle Roni is a Gurian Institute Certified Trainer and educator with over twenty-three years of experience as a principal, teacher, counselor, university supervisor, activity coordinator and charter school assessor. She uses her knowledge of brain research and gender differences to design inclusive playgrounds which increase motivation, academic achievement, health, and pro-social skills through physical activity and grit development.

Title of Workshop: Playground design with every child in mind!

Designing a playground that includes everyone can address behavior challenges, health concerns, student achievement, and overall school climate. As a former administrator of inner-city schools, I realized that creating an inclusive, active playground was the only way I was going to be able to stop suspending kids after recess (especially boys) and send them back to class motivated and engaged. This training provides research studies that correlate the benefits of being physically active with social and academic success. It is intended to get participants use knowledge of biological and neurological gender differences to redesign the playground immediately!

Questions that will be address:

How can we use our knowledge of neurological and biological gender differences to make our classroom and school more inclusive?

How can academic success, behavioral challenges, and school climate be addressed through physical activity?